Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Latest On Near-Death Experience Research

"While the results Parnia and his colleagues report are 'striking' from a scientific point of view, 'I believe that we should allow these data to also inform our humanity,' he adds. For one, the findings should 'compel clinicians to treat patients who are receiving CPR as if they are awake,' which is something 'we rarely do.'”

"And for those individuals who do seem to be beyond saving, Chawla says, doctors could invite their families in to come say goodbye, 'as the patient may still be able to hear them.'”

Click on the link below for details of the research:

Some Patients Who ‘Died’ but Survived Report Lucid ‘Near-Death Experiences,’ a New Study Shows


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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