Saturday, April 23, 2016

Christianity Has Been Falsified: Wiped Out by Information

"The falsification of Christianity has gone unnoticed. The faithful don’t realize that their cherished notions have been left in shambles. It’s a bit like clinging to the belief that the Sun orbits the Earth. We all know that this concept was falsified a long time go. It got wiped out by information. Christian dogma has about as much merit as the Earth-centered solar system."

"Apologists are specialists at circling the wagons."

"One evasive tactic of apologists is the claim that religion cannot be measured by the same standards that we apply to science. Yes, canals on Mars can be falsified, as can a Milky Way-sized Cosmos and the Sun orbiting the Earth. But no amount of  'more data' can falsify God because spiritual truths cannot be determined by data. This is a slick maneuver by theologians to set the rules in such a way that theology is exempt from testability. The feelings of people in their hearts for God, Jesus, the saints, etc. are true and unassailable."

"Christian apologists have all the facts, evidence and heartfelt testimony lined up to show how other faiths are wrong. But don’t you dare hold Christianity to the same standards!"
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The above quotes are from the Epilogue from the forthcoming book, Ten Tough Problems in Christian Thought and Belief,  by my friend David Madison, who honored me by being a reviewer of the book.


  1. There aren't many other sets of beliefs that require apologetics of any sort, are there? Maybe that should tell theists something.

  2. Yep, it should. However, when one's identity is so attached to keeping the delusion, apologetics can be expected in spite of overwhelming evidence counter to the beliefs.



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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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