Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

They Are Traitors And Not Hiding It

Following are excerpts from a recent article by Heather Cox Richardson, my favorite American historian, focusing on JD Vance's statements at the recent Munich Security Conference, the world’s leading forum for talking about international security policy:

" - - - Vice President J.D. Vance launched what The Guardian’s Patrick Wintour called 'a brutal ideological assault' against Europe, attacking the values the United States used to share with Europe but which Vance and the other members of the Trump administration are now working to destroy.

"Vance and MAGA Christian nationalists reject the principles of secular democracy and instead align with leaders like Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán. They claim that the equal rights central to democracy undermine nations by treating women and racial, religious, and gender minorities as equal to white Christian men. They want to see an end to the immigration that they believe weakens a nation's people, and for government to reinforce traditional religious and patriarchal values."

Click here for the full article.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Nose Of The Christian Monster Is Under The USA Tent

"While national headlines capture much of our attention, it's crucial to recognize the significant challenges arising at the state level that threaten the separation of church and state, a cornerstone of our democracy. Recent legislative efforts in various states aim to blur this wall of separation, undermining the First Amendment's guarantee of the freedom of, and from, religion."

Click on the link below for the details of this unconstitutional movement's efforts:

Saturday, December 7, 2024

A Reminder: Claiming A Miracle Is A "God Of The Gaps" Fallacy

Click on the link below for an in-depth expose of how the Catholic Church handles this fraudulent enterprise and how it is fueled as much by the indoctrinated, ignorant members at least as much as the clergy:

Inside the Vatican's secret saint-making process

Monday, October 7, 2024

Why Humanity Must Overcome Religion | Carl Sagan

"In this video, Carl Sagan explores the vastness of the universe, the power of science, and the limitations of religious belief. He emphasizes the importance of skepticism, evidence, and the scientific method in shaping humanity’s future while questioning the role of faith and mythology in understanding our place in the cosmos."
Click on this link for a video compilation of some of Carl Sagan's more famous quotes, leading to the conclusion that humanity's most common and dangerous false belief must be marginalized for humanity to survive.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Origin Of Religion

"The origin of the concepts of Spirit or Souls, because of the similarities between many religions, can be traced back to the small group of people, surviving the MIS 6 Glacial stage, to which all living humans are related."

Click on this link for a well-documented accounting of the similarities of most religions.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

ANY Claim Of A Spiritual Entity Is Incoherent

"Here's William Lane Craig trying to convince us that non-physical entities are a coherent concept. Christians believe that God is a nonphysical being. Already we have a self-contradictory assertion."

Click on the link below for a bogus apologetic (a redundancy) that, essentially, is at the base of all of it:

Saturday, August 31, 2024

15 Minutes To Really Understand US Politics

"An overwhelming majority of WHITE Christians vote Republican. And an overwhelming majority of BLACK Christians vote Democrat. Why is that? Don't they read the same Bible and pray to the same God? Which group doesn't know they're voting for the wrong party?? Phil Vischer takes us on a fast-paced trip through history to figure out why different American Christians read the same Bible, pray to the same God, and vote very, very differently."

Click on the link below to look at US history through the changes in the two major US political parties since the Civil War:

Why do White Christians Vote Republican, and Black Christians Vote Democrat?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Who Created God?

Special pleading is an informal fallacy wherein one cites something as an exception to a general or universal principle, without justifying the special exception.[1][2][3][4][5] It is the application of a double standard.[6][7] (

Click on the link below for a great rebuttal to religious apologists claiming that God created everything:

Kent Hovind Thinks He's Really Clever

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Memory And The Bible

"Did this psych student from the University of Wilmington prove Frank Turek to be 'patently false' about impact events? Watch me watch Frank to unpack the heart of Frank's argument and the importance of identifying the distinction between major and minor details."

Click on the link below to understand that our memories of "Impact Events" are flawed:

Psych Student Tells Christian Apologist He's Wrong

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Old Testament Debunked

Click here for one of the best debunkings of the BASE of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions you will ever be exposed to. Take 8 minutes to watch it, then tell me all about your Abrahamic faith.

Friday, August 2, 2024

West Bank Settlements: What Supporters of Israel Ignore

John Oliver delves into a part of Israel's history and present politics that requires full exposure to understand why Palestinians act the way they do against Israelis:

The West Bank: Last Week Tonight 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Christianity Wants You To Accept Claims Without Questioning

1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I thought like a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things"


John 20:29 "Then Jesus told him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed'.”

Matthew 18:4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

James 1:6 says, "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."


How is Christianity different than any other religion, cult, or closed-minded group?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

No Religion Should Be In Healthcare, Let Alone The Catholic Church

"The Catholic Church’s directives are often at odds with accepted medical standards, especially in areas of reproductive health, according to physicians and other medical practitioners."

Click on the link below for the details. BTW, no religion should be involved with healthcare because prayer is irrational and has no effect on anything other than a placebo. Also, many have prohibitions based on dogma, not science and human rights. 

The Powerful Constraints on Medical Care in Catholic Hospitals Across America

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Logic Is Not Magic

"There are some apologists who want us to believe that logic is magic. What is a materialist atheist? It's someone who believes that everything in the universe is made of matter molecules and nothing outside of that can exist. See, this is why I prefer the term physicalist rather than materialist. I don't think even most people who call themselves materialists believe that energy and space-time don't exist. I don't believe that any anything non-physical exists, but there are plenty of things that are immaterial that are still physical. That means a Transcendent God cannot exist because God is a spirit but if that's the case how can we explain immaterial realities like laws of logic? 

"The laws of logic describe the boundaries of what our physical brains can do. They describe physical phenomena. I believe in the law of non-contradiction, for example, because if I try to imagine something both existing and not existing at the same time and in the same respect I find that I can't. that's a limitation of my physical brain. There's nothing non-physical about it."

Click on the link below for a video attempting to correct a religious apologist regarding logic:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The History Of Human Evolution 101

Fact: Evolution, including humans, is accepted by science at the same level as it accepts gravity. (link)

However, a large minority of the general public in the USA does not accept it. Why? The strong correlation with how religious one is.

Click on the links below for a brief course in human evolution beginning a million years ago:

     Million years ago

     100,000 years ago

     The difference between homo sapiens and homo sapiens sapiens

Monday, July 8, 2024

To Repeat: ANY Belief Without Evidence Is ALWAYS Harmful

One of the hardest tasks in counter-apologetics is to get the liberal religious person to understand that ALL beliefs without evidence are harmful. Click on the link below for a ten-minute video by Richard Dawkins that is one of the best efforts I have seen that succinctly covers all the bases regarding this important matter.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Your Identity: Is It Interfering With Your Understanding Of Reality, And Others?

" - - - people don't feel they need to have any particular expertise to have opinions about (religion and politics). All they need is strongly held beliefs, and anyone can have those."

"The more labels you have for yourself, the dumber they make you."

We all identify with our family and other human groups. It is part of our psyche. The problem with such identification is that it can dampen our empathy for, and cooperation with, others not in the groups we identify with. Click on the link below for an article addressing this area of human experience:

Keep Your Identity Small


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image


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