Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Scientific Support For The Dalai Lama

I have written extensively that Christianity, and all other religions, are not supported by evidence and that all of their claims regarding God's effects on reality have been falsified.  However, the manner in which the Dalai Lama is chosen includes one interesting scientific test:

"When the High Lamas believed they had found the reincarnated Dalai Lama, they conducted a simple test. Several articles, only some of which were owned by the previous Dalai Lama, are placed in front of the child. If he chooses the correct items, this is read as a sign, along with the previous signs and some set of secret signs, that he is the tulku."   How the Dalai Lama is Chosen

I'm sure that, with enough scientific scrutiny, this process would be found to be wanting*.  However, my point is that at least Tibetan Buddhism has attempted to establish a scientific way of determining its "Supremely Enlightened Being." 

No other religion has turned to science like Buddhism to support its claims.  In fact, the present Dalai Lama has said:
  • “If scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims.”

    (note:  compare this to quotes from William Lane Craig and Joel Osteen, as well as Christianity's general dogma of faith above reason)
To those who are theists and who claim to respect science, why are you not Tibetan Buddhists?  Is it because science shows that there are flaws in the research methods?  Is it because there is no scientific evidence for Reincarnation?  Is it simply that your dogma precludes Reincarnation?   Well then, where are YOUR research studies in support of YOUR dogma?  What's that, you don't need them because YOUR religion has the "true" Revelation passed down orally and/or in "sacred" written texts?  Good, then please enlighten the rest of us by presenting how you verify this "Truth" and why it is different than thousands of other Revelations.  Thanks.
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* For example, this skeptical comment:   "The tests are not done 'double blind'. That is, the monks giving the test know which item belonged to the last reincarnation. If the child starts to pick the wrong item, the monks would react in subtle ways. The fact that the child might pick up these clues shows that the child is pretty observant."

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