Thursday, April 9, 2015

The "God Of The Gaps" Is Dead

"The main difference between Newton, Laplace and modern cosmology is that we don't presume (or shouldn't) to know all there is to know about the universe. Even as we strive to know more about nature — and this is what science is supposed to do — we also realize (or should) the vastness of what we don't know. One thing should be clear to all who share a scientist's urge to learn about the world: To put God in our current knowledge gaps certainly would not further our understanding of the universe. For that we need science and its stubbornly secular modern approach."

The "God of the Gaps" should not be used in support of a god..... full stop.

Click here if you want to see an example of how Christian apologists don't really understand what the God of the Gaps means.  I responded to this ignorance with, "You do not understand the god of the gaps argument. Science simply states that any claim must be supported by evidence. Every claim in support of an interventionist deity has been falsified. Philosophy will never provide empirical evidence for anything. Instead of positing a god where there is no evidence, a science-based thinker says, "I don't know." (full stop)"  The website blocked this response by saying it is spam.  Ironically, apologists say they have "The Truth" but will not really have an honest and open discussion when challenged.

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