Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Alzheimer's Disease And The Nun Study

Alzheimer's Disease is something I am extremely interested in, as my mother died young (71) with it, and her mother and most of her 7 brothers and sisters also died of it.  Several years ago, there was a study of a Sister Mary and several other Nuns.  In the study, the Nuns agreed to donate their brains to science for analysis.  All has relatively long lives and had no signs of dementia at death.  Interestingly, many had advanced brain plaques as a marker for the disease.  As a science-based thinker, I have to take the results as an indication that much more needs to be known about the etiology of the disease.  THAT is the beauty of being a science-based thinker: go with the evidence, even if it does not comport with present expectations.

That said, Fareed Zakaria recently had a segment on his CNN show "GPS" that not only talked about this study but recent understanding of risk factors.  Some of these risk factors may surprise you.

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