Saturday, January 27, 2018

Why Is YOUR Religion The True One?

In my discussions with the religious, which usually involves Christians, I never get a response that includes objective evidence. The responses may include Bible quotes, intuitions/feelings and/or philosophy.  None of these can be verified objectively as evidence that any religion is true, let alone Christianity.

Virtually ALL claims for an interventionist god have been falsified.  Remember, in science, those who are making the claim (the hypothesis) are obligated to present supporting evidence.  Of course, this isn't saying, "There is no god." It is only saying that the claim for such has not been supported.  Given that the claims for Christianity have been around for about 2,000 years and that science has been evaluating claims for the truth of Christianity for about 500 years, what are the chances that Christianity is true?

Two things to consider:
  • Virtually every Christian I have met has at least a somewhat different collection of beliefs regarding such than any other Christian I have met.  Thus, in essence, each Christian seems to have his or her own unique "fingerprint" of faith.  Now, if there is a god, either the "real" god is very silent or a terrible communicator.
  • As you read the Bible, including the New Testament, put yourself in the surroundings and events depicted.  Note the reality described about those times: humans interacting with supernatural beings and experiencing miracles.  Now, observe our present reality: where are the interactions with supernatural beings and miracles?
Science is a bitch.

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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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