Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The USA Is In Distress

"Flying an American flag upside down is not necessarily meant as a political protest. The practice has its origin in a distress signal; displaying a flag in this manner is 'a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property'" (
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Since the hijacking of the U.S. Republican Party by religious conservatives as well as alt-right xenophobes and racistsover the last few decades, beginning with Newt GingrichI have felt distressed for the country that I love. Trump and Fox News are symptoms and causes of what we have politically: a pseudoscience ("false knowledge") that is eating away at the truth. Oh, and never say to me that both US political parties are equivalent presently

My distress has increased since Trump became the POTUS and the Republicans continue to fail in their constitutional responsibility to check this cancer in the White House. Seriously, the man is a clear and present danger to the USA and our planet!!! (link), (link), (link), (linkAlso, this may be the long-term strategy of the Republicans. (link), (link)

The most damaging long-term effect of the above may be Trump's packing the Federal courts in addition to the US Supreme Court. That said, There is no way Kavanaugh should be on ANY court, let alone the US Supreme Court.

Final thoughts:

Why don't journalists ask Republicans why are there only 6% of scientists who are Republicans, or, how do they know that Christianity is true, or, to show evidence that "supply side" economics works for society as a whole


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