Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jordan Peterson Exposed

This person seems to be developing quite a following, for what reason I have no clue. From my perspective, it is all deepities:

"Jordan Peterson and Matt Dillahunty debated/discussed psychedelics, specifically magic mushrooms containing psilocybin, in a conversation hosted by Pangburn Philosophy back in May. Ultimately, Peterson cites that supernatural experiences induced by psilocybin cause smoking cessation, which in turn provides evidence of the supernatural. Matt replies, saying that science can't do that (unless you misrepresent it), and he's right."

Jordan Peterson Misrepresents Science

"Jordan Peterson fans are often fanatical, but are they a cult? In speaking out against supposed neo-Marxists and post-modernists, writing 12 Rules for Life, speaking against mainstream feminism, and launching his Biblical Series, Peterson has gained a cult-like following. Can this fan base be compared to Scientologists or Jehovah's Witnesses? Let's find out."

Are Jordan Peterson Fans a Cult?

"Jordan Peterson’s craziest claim ever didn’t come from his talk with Cathy Newman, it wasn’t in his chat with Sam Harris about truth, and it wasn’t made in conversation with Matt Dillahunty. It was in his Maps of Meaning lecture part 8 and his Biblical series. Representation of DNA? More like pseudoscience."

Jordan Peterson's Most Pseudoscientific Claim Ever

"This video answers the question: Can I offer a critique of the work of Jordan Peterson? Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is quite popular due to his views on politics, theology, philosophy, personality theory, and mental health. I offer my opinions in terms of the positives and negatives of his work and examine some of the more common criticisms of Jordan Peterson."

Jordan Peterson Critique

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