Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Quantum Physics IS Weird, But Real

"The quantum physics of large things: Macro quantum effect. Why don’t tennis balls behave like quantum particles? What happens to a baseball in a double-slit experiment? This experiment shows that atoms behave like waves of probability when not measured, and particles when measured. We also see that two quantum particles can be entangled, meaning that is connected through a sharing of one probability wave."

"I learned quantum mechanics the traditional 'Copenhagen Interpretation' way. We can use the Schrödinger equation to solve for and evolve wave functions. Then we invoke wave-particle duality, in essence, things we detect as particles can behave as waves when they aren't interacting with anything. But when there is a measurement, the wave function collapses leaving us with a definite particle detection. If we repeat the experiment many times, we find the statistics of these results mirror the amplitude of the wave function squared. Hence the Born rule came into being, saying the wave function should be interpreted statistically, that our universe at the most fundamental scale is probabilistic rather than deterministic. This did not sit well with scientists like Einstein and Schrödinger who believed there must be more going on, perhaps 'hidden variables'."

"Is our universe a definitive single reality or is it merely one within an infinitely branching multiverse? "

"Why is an observer key to quantum physics? Does the act of observation affect what exists and what happens in the external world? Why is Observation in the quantum world a mystery?

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