Sunday, April 26, 2020

Is Altruism Evil?

"Rand examines the philosophy that holds individual men should be used as sacrificial animals for the group, the fundamental premise of collectivist politics." (Ayn Rand - Why Altruism is Evil)

Following was my response to this political/ethical extremism:

"Ayn Rand has no idea of how humanity has become a successful species: a mixture of self-interest and altruism. Extremes of self-interest are the 'evils' she should be decrying. Show me any society that ever was only altruistic from the top down. Her argument is the same type of argument that Republicans make about 'socialism.' However, those who want the government to be the sole means of production are very few. What Republicans and Libertarians are calling 'socialism' is actually 'democratic socialism': regulated capitalism with taxation proportional to the ability to pay such in order to minimize economic inequality."

This link is a nice rebuttal to her philosophy, which presents research into the negative effects of her ideas:

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