Sunday, November 8, 2020

Memo To Democrats

The USA politically remains essentially equally divided between Republicans and Democrats. With the Republicans controlling the US Senate and state legislations, how are the Democrats going to get their message into action? If there ever was a period in US history for practical politics trumping unwavering ideology, this is it IMO. Yes, one-third of voters will probably never change from voting Republican. However, think of the Democratic advantage if they can change the minds of only 25% of the remaining Republicans.

I offer some thoughts:

Religion is the largest source of magical thinking. The Democrats, while more science-based in their thinking than the Republicans, are still majority religious. Thus, perhaps cleaning their own house first would be wise.

The way Democrats attempt to get their platform across to Republicans and Independents is important. For example, the way many Democrats have talked about reforming the police ("Defund the police!") and reducing social and economic inequality ("Socialism") has left the Republicans an open door to misrepresent their true and valid proposals.

In summary, I recommend communicating with those who voted for Trump by focusing on respectfully getting them to reflect on the tools they use to understand reality and can they verify/justify them. Asking questions rather than directly criticizing their vote seems the more practical and science-based way to change their minds.

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