Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Result Of Current Republican Politics If Allowed To Continue

"Full-on authoritarian states and well-functioning democracies are stable and not prone to civil wars. But in the middle - where we are - THAT is where civil wars breed. It makes sense because in a democracy facts and truth are all important and shame is a powerful self-sustaining check on the behavior of all. In authoritarian states truth is irrelevant, obedience is all that matters.
"We are now a democracy where shame has lost its grip on those like Trump and his pet GOP seem immune to it. A democracy that makes laws out of lies for the sole purpose of acquiring and retaining power, coupled with a right-wing mediasphere that not only lets them get away with it but actively HELPS them deceive their own viewers and listeners for profit and praise.
"If basic common sense and human empathy are denied in our day to day lives, if obvious and inarguable foundational truths cease to be the ground upon which we build our lives, our families, our businesses, our educational institutions, cities, states, and futures, civil war is inevitable.
"If the GOP and its mainstream media infotainment grottos continue to do what they're doing, our nation will be set to burn and not even an act of God will save us from ourselves." (link)

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