Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Happiness Research

"Most studies on happiness find older people and ask them to recall what made them happy. But as we've just seen, memory is unreliable. So a better way to conduct a study would be to follow people throughout their entire lives, capturing the choices they make and how those affect their happiness. That is really hard to do. But there is one study like this that's been running since 1938. Now, 85 years is a long time to run a study so it has been passed down from one generation of researchers to the next. It's currently run by its fourth director, Robert Waldinger. What is the claim to fame then of the study? You know, the claim to fame is that it is, as far as we know, the longest study of human development that's ever been done. The longest study of any depth. These are studies that take deep dives into people's lives and their mental and physical health."

Click on the link below for the results of the longest-running study on happiness:

What The Longest-Running Study on Happiness Reveals

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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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