Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bogus “Alternative Medicine” Diagnoses Described

"Professor Edzard Ernst, who was the world’s first department chairperson in complementary medicine, has posted on his blog a four-part series on the fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine.

Part 1 addresses adrenal fatigue, candidiasis hypersensitivity, and alleged chronic intoxications eliminated by so-called “detox” treatments.
Part 2 addresses chronic Lyme disease, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and homosexuality.
Part 3 addresses leaky gut syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and neurasthenia.
Part 4 covers vaccine overload, vertebral subluxation, and yin/yang imbalance."

(From the Consumer Health Digest #24-21. May 26, 2024)

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Dr. Ernst focuses on some of the more common bogus diagnoses of which we should be aware:

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