Monday, June 24, 2024

Constitutional Originalism Debunked

"Dahlia Lithwick is a lawyer, journalist and best-selling author. She is also the host of Slate’s podcast, Amicus, about the law and the Supreme Court. Dahlia joins Preet to discuss the different methods of constitutional interpretation and how one doctrine in particular has taken over this Supreme Court."

Click on the link below for a podcast exposing the fraud of Constitutional Originalism:

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"The court has always invoked historical understandings and precedents in its decisions, but its recent calls to history flow from a different source: a longstanding commitment in conservative political and legal circles to “originalism,” the idea that our constitutional rights are defined by—and limited to—whatever the earliest generations of Americans thought the Constitution meant several hundred years ago. So, if it were against the law to go hatless in the late-eighteenth century, hat-wearing would be banned today. Originalism denies the reality that law must change over time as our society changes."

Click on the link below for an article also exposing the made-up concept of Constitutional Originalism:

This Supreme Court’s ‘Originalism’ Doesn’t Have Much to Do with History

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