Friday, June 7, 2024

Trump Is A Classic Narcissist (Mic-Drop)

The following is a comment made on one of my Facebook posts by a friend:

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I find it interesting that Cons Repubs didn't see in 2015 (coming down the elevator) that Trump was a showman, a conman, and a compulsive serial LIAR. Whatever he says, think the opposite is the truth.

The fact is both are older men, the difference is Biden is sane (with a few verbal gaffs) and Trump is insane. The problem on the right is that Trump supporters have no clue that he is dangerous and why.

Trump was born missing brain matter. Trump's parents knew he was abnormal and because they were not equipped to handle him, off to a military-style school he went. Of course, nothing could help him unless he had a brain transplant which was not possible 77 years ago. Trump admitted to one of his biographers that he is the same as when he was 6 years old. Great, a 6-year-old who can push the "red button" or sell our secrets to the highest bidder!

"For patients with narcissism, this region of the cerebral cortex was markedly reduced in thickness compared to the control group."

"Our data shows that the amount of empathy is directly correlated to the volume of gray brain matter of the corresponding cortical representation in the insular region, and that the patients with narcissism exhibit a structural deficit in exactly this area," states Dr. Röpke, commenting on the findings."

"Pathological narcissism associated with reduced frontal cortex thickness in the brain."

Trump is an arrogant, ignorant, pathetic paranoid psychopath, a malignant narcissist, a pathological serial LIAR, (which he cannot help due to his tiny unevolved brain), a conman, a bigot, a misogynist, a cheater, a thief, and more. He is considered a Dark Triad, the most despised of the personality disorders

If he hadn't inherited his family's fortune, which he squandered because he is NOT a good business man...

Many narcissists know they are ignorant and unable to learn. They are reactors. All they do is yell, threaten, and sue others. If Trump didn't come from a wealthy family, he would live under a bridge somewhere. Because of his brain problem, he has never had a job with a boss/supervisor over him because he doesn't like anyone telling him what to do. After all, when you believe you can be the God of the Planet, you are perfect. Perfectly nuts! Hitler crazy!

Narcissists cannot ever accept any losses in life as it is a monumental blow to their already weak ego, hence, the Big Lie that the election was rigged/stolen from him. He blames everyone for whatever goes wrong, it's never him at fault and he never apologizes as when you believe you are perfect, why would there be a need to do so?! He does not need repentance. And, he is a Christian in family name only. He is an "actor" who mimics//mirrors others. You are being played! He needed support to run for office and the Evangelical Christian leaders have been coaching him all along. If they stopped, Trump would melt away like the Wicked Witch did. Trump appears as he does because of those who need to put fear into others, like religion does with help from other LIARS like FOX, OAN, NewsMax, etc.

"Despite being on the member rolls, Trump never showed. Not to Bible study ― and not even to a service, according to (Pastor) Lewicki.

“I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in,” Lewicki wrote. “Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time.”

Nationalism teaches people to hate those they never even met. America First was a spinoff of Hitler's Germany First. The borders of any country are man-made or by tectonic plate movement.
If it comes to the point that Biden can't do the job, we have a VP at the ready. So is it that some Americans don't like the possibility of a woman of color leading a nation, hmm.

People who laugh at this post demonstrate their ignorance of psychological problems (brain/mind) and that they are unable to debunk the science. Instead, what they do is post ad hominem attacks, but that doesn't bother me as I understand where it comes from.

Trump supporters are in the Cult of Evangelical Christianity and Trump.

P.S. Pence lost his honesty and integrity as he went along with Trump while in office! Once MAGAs sought to hang him he said he didn't agree with Trump, a complete wuss. The GOP has been taken over by the whacko Evangelical Christians like MTG. Her ignorance is embarrassing.

Most members of the Trump family are shameless grifters, con-artists. If you are unable or unwilling to see the truth about what a malignant narcissist is, Congratulations, you're the mark!!!

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