Saturday, July 20, 2024

Adrenal Fatigue: Just Another Quack Diagnosis

"Adrenal fatigue is the false belief that our adrenal glands become 'worn out' as a result of prolonged, repetitive stress – and the output of key regulatory hormones, like the 'master stress hormone' cortisol, is diminished. Let’s be clear: adrenal fatigue is not a true medical condition.

"Just like many pseudoscience claims and diagnoses, the notion of adrenal fatigue is based on a nugget of truth. That nugget? There are legitimate medical issues related to adrenal gland and cortisol dysfunction. These including Cushing’s syndrome and Adrenal insufficiency (including Addison’s disease). Contrary to what wellness influencers claim. though, adrenal fatigue is NOT a ‘mild’ version of adrenal dysfunction."

Click on this link for the full story.

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