Wednesday, September 18, 2024

15 Sleep Myths

"Everyone knows that sleep is pretty important, and most of us probably feel we don't get quite enough of the best quality sleep. That means we're likely missing out on some of these benefits, which are not only health related but cognitive as well. Is it possible that we're all sleeping so badly that it's made us too dumb to learn to sleep better? Well, we all certainly hope not. And in the interest of double checking our sleep knowledge, today we're going to examine 15 popular sleep myths. And hopefully we'll all be wrong about at least a few of them, because that means we have room for improvement.

"Some of these myths were verified by a 2019 paper by Robbins, et al. published in Sleep Health which compiled a whole bunch of claimed sleep myths from the popular media and had them all evaluated by ten experts in sleep medicine, each of whom had published at least 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and had them rate how true or false each myth was. So let's dive in and tackle the top 15 myths about sleeping."

Click on this link for the information:

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