Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is The "Big Bang Theory" On Solid Ground?

One of the strongest hypotheses accepted by most scientific experts who study the universe's origin is the Big Bang. However, is this acceptance really warranted? Click on the links below for historical and modern challenges to it:

"Sir Fred Hoyle, one of the leading astrophysicists of 20th century, was born on June 24, 1915. Most popular for rejecting the Big Bang Theory of the universe, Fred died in 2001, at the age of 86, but not without contributing significantly to the field of science." (link)

"Despite its widespread acceptance, the Big Bang theory is presently without any observational support. All of its quantitative predictions are contradicted by observation, and none are supported by the data. Its predictions of light element abundances are inconsistent with the latest data." (link)

"The Big Bang theory, in its current form, predicts that most matter in the universe is dark matter, unlike any that has been found on earth. Increasingly sensitive experiments on earth have failed to turn up any evidence of the dark matter particles that are firmly predicted by the Big Bang theory." (link)

Michio Kaku: "Time Does NOT EXIST! James Webb Telescope PROVED Us Wrong!" (link)

Science Daily reports in a recent publication that findings from the study of objects discovered by James Webb challenge the conventional theory of the universe’s origin. Last July, the James Webb Space Telescope released stunning images of the 'Web Nebula,' indicating its existence approximately 830 million years after the Big Bang. Scientists’ study of these objects suggests that these luminous entities do not easily fit into current theories about the universe’s origin, despite the success of the Big Bang theory in human understanding of cosmic origins. Science Daily quoted one of the researchers in this study as saying, 'Finding ancient stars in a very young universe was completely unexpected.' According to him, standard cosmology and galaxy formation models have been incredibly successful, yet these luminous entities do not easily fit into these theories." (link)

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