Showing posts with label Double-Slit Experiments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Double-Slit Experiments. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2020

Consciousness And The Double-Slit Experiments

There is no greater example of the "God of the Gaps" ("Leap of Faith") argument than what one can find in the area of consciousness, where the "woo" promoters are very active. Why? Many scientists believe that the hardest problem/mystery in science is consciousness and, thus, these pseudoscientists fill the "gap" with claims unsupported by evidence. The most frequent example of this is found in their interpretation of so-called "Double-Slit" experiments where they say it "proves" that the mind can control matter through its effects on quantum mechanics. While there are some scientists who think there may be a relationship between consciousness and quantum physics, others are skeptical (link).  This video challenges the woo.

The link below is one of the best retorts to the misinterpretation of the Double-Slit experiments:

"What I hope to do is demonstrate that the double-slit experiment doesn’t suggest that consciousness collapses the wave function of a particle. I’ll also attempt to go further in this article. I believe that the double-slit experiment provides considerable evidence that a ‘Quantum-consciousness’ (QC) hypothesis, the idea that consciousness can exist away from the brain and can affect particles in the double-slit experiment, must be false."


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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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