Showing posts with label Joe McCarthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe McCarthy. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Russia Owns The USA (Mic Drop)

History repeats itself, it doesn't just rhyme. The Republican Party, at least since the 1930s, has had to battle fascist extremists. Until now, it has been able to attenuate and keep them under control. Enter Donald J. Trump, a con man/huckster/racist narcissist who, while portraying himself as a real estate tycoon, went bankrupt several times. In recent decades, his reputation became so toxic that only one bank in the world would lend him money, Deutsche Bank. Yes, the favorite bank of Russian Oligarchs, who used it to launder money. (link)

Connect the dots.

Click here for an excellent summation of the reality of the present USA being a puppet of Russia.

Click here for a reality check from my favorite American historian on how bad things are now in the USA.

There is a base upon which he did it.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Roy Cohn: From McCarthy To Trump

"There is a direct line from McCarthy to Trump in the person of Roy Cohn, who became a New York power broker after his years with McCarthy, helped the Trump Organization when the federal government sued it for racial discrimination, and mentored Trump as he rose to fame in New York. That relationship is chronicled in the new biopic about Trump, The Apprentice, now debuting at the Cannes Film Festival."

The difference between today's Republican Party and the McCarthy period Republican Party is that the latter was not totally corrupted. Click on this link for a history lesson that every USA voter needs to understand.


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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