Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Waldorf Schools: Let the Buyer Be Aware

"Private schools of all types abound. Many are religious, a few are secular, some are intended to be intensely academic, some allow free play and the students can do whatever they like. Then there are some like Montessori schools that follow a certain method. And then there are the Waldorf schools, which have a reputation for being not only the most expensive, but also hippyish. They grow crops, they dance and paint, they learn practical skills like building, they shun vaccines, they follow astrology. It's how you'd imagine Silicon Valley elites would alleviate their white liberal guilt by putting their children in touch with holistics and nature and spiritualism and the evils of capitalism and screen time. Turns out that reputation is pretty well deserved; most of the stereotypical things you might hear about Waldorf schools are pretty accurate. Much of what's not so public is far weirder than you could imagine."

Click on this link for the details.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Enneagrams: Another Failure Of A Horoscope Wannabe

"Today we're going to open a drawer in our cabinet of New Age psychometric modalities — as one does — and flip to the folder for enneagrams. For years, this has been growing in popularity as a way to understand our own personalities, and the personalities of those around us, and how we might interact. Some would argue that it's like a blending of Myers-Briggs, numerology, and horoscopes; others would claim that it has solid science behind it. What is the truth of enneagrams? Do we each have an enneagram number that tells us useful things about ourselves, or can it be dismissed as glorified numerology?"

Click on the link below for an analysis of an ancient pseudoscience that just will not go away:


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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