Saturday, March 3, 2018

Billy Graham Started It All

We just ended several days of over-the-top adulation of Billy Graham.  Just as with Mother Teresa, the truth is hidden under the media hype.  For example, Billy Graham was the person who essentially initiated the present National Day of Prayer, which is clearly unconstitutional. (link)  This lead to the mainstreaming of conservative evangelical Christianity:

He made the new wave of evangelical politics possible, and essentially agreed with all the harm from such. (link) "What harm?" you say. Well for starters, profound psychological harms. (link)

In spite of the harms from evangelical Christianity, the man clearly wanted a theocracy under such. (link)

While he was more honest and decent than many other preachers, his "legacy" is evil covered by dogma and slickness. He was the BIGGEST religious placebo in history, and exhibit A of why religion poisons everything.


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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