Human knowledge has progressed exponentially since the dawn of modern science. It is no longer reasonable to accept claims without sufficient objective evidence. The harm from religion, alternatives to medicine, conservatism, and all other false beliefs will be exposed on this blog by reporting the findings of science. This blog will also reinforce what should be the basics of education: History, Civics, Financial Literacy, Media Literacy, and Critical/Science Based Thinking.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
An Evangelical Pastor Helps In Getting Democratic Party Votes
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
And You Thought The Catholic Church Was Bad
"Granted, we already knew why the nation’s so-called moral guardians prostrated themselves before Trump. But how they were able to do so remained far less clear. How could the prospect of rolling back abortion and marriage equality be so important to them that they were willing to condone this man?
"A large part of the answer to that question can be found in the way a number of evangelical leaders have responded to sexual assault in their own ranks. In recent years, we have heard stories of survivors turning to their churches or other faith communities for support, only to be greeted with indifference or even outright hostility. If these leaders are willing to take such a cavalier and unsupportive attitude toward their own, it should come as no surprise that many of them were willing to dismiss Trump’s depravities with women.
"For example, when Guidepost Solutions delved into the extent of a years-long cover-up of sexual assault in the Southern Baptist Convention, it revealed that one of the SBC’s longtime titans, Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, willfully and recklessly disregarded his legal and moral duty to protect children. According to the report, when Graham learned his youth pastor, John Langworthy, had molested a number of boys, Graham simply hustled him out of town rather than report him to the police. Langworthy would remain at large for 20 more years, during which he molested boys at his new church in Mississippi."
Friday, December 15, 2023
Intellectualism Is A 4-Letter Word To Republicans
- Ignorance, or an aversion to reason, has allowed things like gun violence and racism to define American culture.
- Anti-intellectual societies fall prey to tribalism and simplistic explanations, are emotionally immature, and often seek violent solutions.
- Corporate interests encourage anti-intellectualism, conditioning Americans into conformity and passive acceptance of institutional dominance.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Christian Nationalism: The Death Of The USA?
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Ponder the courage of the Founding Fathers when they fought against religious factions that wanted another Christian theocracy based on THEIR brand of such. |
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
There Is NO Equivalency Between The Two Major US Political Parties
Anyone who watches Rachel Maddow knows her political views. The same can be said about Lis Cheney. There is no better example of polar opposites in political views. However, they agree 100% on ONE important matter: DONALD TRUMP MUST NEVER RETURN AS POTUS!!
Click on the link below for one of the best exposes of the dangers of Trump and his cult to the future of US representative democracy:
He is not the lesser of two evils’: Cheney emphasizes the severity of Trump threatThursday, November 9, 2023
The Republican War On Critical Thinking
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Why Jews Have Been Hated For 2,000 Years
"Jewish deicide is the notion that the Jews as a people will always be collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus, even through the successive generations following his death.[1][2] A Biblical justification for the charge of Jewish deicide is derived from Matthew 27:24–25. Some rabbinical authorities, such as 12th-century scholar Maimonides and, more recently, ultranationalist Israeli rabbi, Zvi Yehuda Kook (1891–1982), have asserted that Jesus was indeed stoned and hanged after being sentenced to death in a rabbinical court.
"Most other churches do not have any binding position on the matter, but some Christian denominations[which?] have issued declarations against the accusation.[6][7][8]"
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Israel: There Is No Excuse For USA Support Of Apartheid
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Evangelical Christians Have A Lot To Answer For
"On May 29, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed a new anti-gay law that puts the country’s already persecuted LGBTQ+ community at risk of life imprisonment for same-sex relations and calls for the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.” This draconian legislation is the latest blow to fundamental human rights in Uganda, and it has deep links to American evangelicals who have for years sought to export US culture wars over gender and sexuality to African countries and Uganda in particular."
Click on the links below for the evil details. Christian morality is an oxymoron 😡:
The Unholy Relationship Between Uganda's Anti-LGBTQ+ Law and US EvangelicalismTuesday, February 14, 2023
An Antidote Against Religion In Public Schools
Thursday, November 10, 2022
THE Major Danger Of Christianity In The USA?
Monday, October 17, 2022
More PragerU Debunking
A major reason the USA has its Repugnant problem is folks like Dennis Prager. When Christians ask me why I am so hard on them, I tell them that there is no such thing as "Good" Christianity. It is false and harmful, even if good people are members of the cult. Click on the link below for more debunking of it:
Friday, September 2, 2022
Creationism Vs Abiogenesis
Saturday, August 20, 2022
The USA Is BOTH A Republic And A Democracy!
Just more evidence of the harm from today's Republicans. Click on the link below for the details:
Friday, June 24, 2022
Abiogenesis: Closer To Understand It
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Kirk Cameron: He Never Grew Up
Monday, February 14, 2022
A Rarity: Jewish Support For Palestinians
Friday, February 11, 2022
The Brains Of Conservatives
It is clear to most reasonable people that there is something different about how Republicans process information. Click on the following links to get several insights into their psychological makeup:
Oh, since the Evangelical Christians put their Bible above anything else, especially science, they may be the sub-group most resistant to change.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Pat Robertson Exposed
This post is dedicated to presenting an individual who is a prime mover in Repugnant circles. In no way does he deserve the praise and attention he gets from the superstitious, ignorant, and gullible. Click on the links below to fully understand the evil he has produced:
Pat Robertson Explains His Faith Healing Scam
Sunday, January 17, 2021
"Pro Lifers": Attack The CAUSES Of Abortion
The Anti-Choice side of the abortion issue focuses on the potential person within the body of the women and resists the efforts of those who are working to rid society of the causes of abortion. Why? The vast majority of those who are against abortion are conservative and very religious. Conservatives resist governmental efforts to improve the socio-economic status of those in need. (link)