Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Sean Carroll puts to rest this pejorative term essentially only used by religious apologists today, even though in past centuries it was a positive term:

Let’s Stop Using the Word “Scientism”

Here is another perspective on the subject, but more on the side of those who do not want to fully be truthful with the religious, namely that there is no evidence of any interventionist god:

What is Scientism?


  1. When I first started out on the journey that would lead me to the conclusion that god does not exist, I had a broad view of how this god influenced not just my life but those around me and everything around me. As I asked more questions, read more books, watched more debates, I began see that everything I thought I knew was wrong. For me is was simple, just like this one simple quote from Robert Green Ingersoll, I am surprised that its is not one of his more popular quotes. "No fact has ever partnered itself with a miracle."

    But on scientism and reductionism, I have to say that both are in high demand when debating believers. Even I can't deny that after many debates I have reduced my questions to spearhead the heart of each fallacy employed by believers. I have to admit I have been accused of scientism, but never saw that word until just now. And when I get accused of "scientism", I like to point out that faith is a thief, it steals from philosophy and science, and even our most endearing virtues for its own gain.
    Faith allows ones convictions never to question their belief, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. How is this even remotely intellectually honest, why can I understand this so clearly yet so many can't or simply refuse?

    1. Thanks for your comment, Jason. Ya, "reductionist" IS another attempted trump card for the apologist. They just do not see the obvious; reductionist is just another word for "god of the gaps", no matter how they protest against the challenge. Take care.



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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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