Monday, February 8, 2016

The Case For Firebrand Atheism

David Silverman, president of American Atheists, discussed his new book, Fighting God: An Atheist Manifesto for a Religious World on the Legion of Reason podcast.  The main point he makes is that the term "atheist" is the clearest definition of someone who does not accept the claim that there is a god.  Yes, it meets with disapproval by most.  However, other words such as "secular" or "humanist", that are softer and less threatening, are less clear to the public at-large, and, thus, can come with the false understanding that we are also theists.  He focuses on the fact that atheists have the truth:  there is no evidence for a god, thus, that should embolden us in our efforts for acceptance.  His point of the need for as many atheists as possible to stop hiding behind other descriptors and come out as unequivocally atheists to break down society's stigma against atheists is well supported.

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