Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Reminder: Republicans Have More Than Trump To Worry About

Ted Cruz has just made one of the most xenophobic statements I have heard since the days of the World War II mass internment of Japanese-Americans.  He doesn't understand the negative effects of such mass discrimination on minority groups.  What does he think is a prime motivating factor for Muslim extremism in Europe?  Yes, discrimination, isolation, unemployment, et al.

Ted Cruz’s Shameful Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

The above is just one problem that Ted Cruz presents to the American people (HT Jack Vance):
Ted Cruz Is A Christian Extremist.


  1. Thanks for the mention. While I'm not a Trump supporter, I really do think that a Ted Cruz presidency would likely be even worse than a Trump one. His views are even more toxic, and it seems like he actually believes what he says.

  2. You're welcome, Jack. Ya, I am really torn between the dangers of these two guys. I just hope neither one gets the Presidency.



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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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