Saturday, March 5, 2016

The History Of The Republican Party

Heather Cox Richardson has produced a fine accounting of the history of the Republican Party (To Make Men Free).  In it, she presents the glorious beginnings of the Republican Party.  From Lincoln, through Theodore Roosevelt, to Dwight Eisenhower, that US party was the champion of the 99% against the oligarchy of the 1%, as well as the minority against the majority.  Sound familiar? 

What has happened since?  My opinion?  The hijacking of that once great party by the theocrats/Evangelical Christians and the 1%.  Even that Republican arch-conservative, Barry Goldwater, had it correct:
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."

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