Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I Really Don’t Know Why Anyone Still Belongs To The Church

"Were I part of an institution that had an organized coverup of endemic child rape, and also fought against birth control on scriptural grounds, I’d be deeply ashamed of myself, and get the hell out as soon as possible."

The light of evidence cured me about 15 years ago.  The way the Church handled Cardinal Law, the leader of my former diocese of Boston, was confirmation of its evil for me.

If I can get over this stench, any one can.  If you are a Catholic and are fully aware of the evil done within it, please consider that you probably are still in that corrupt organization for at least one the following reasons:  comfort; fear of Hell; community peer pressure.  All of these reasons are from your indoctrination, which is done so expertly.  Please consider looking at the Church's teaching as an objective observer, as it truly is liberating to do so.  Knowledge of reality from evidence really trumps dogma.

Below are two links supporting my position on the Catholic Church.

Why are you still Catholic?

More perfidy from the Catholic Church

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