Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trump Is Even Worse Than You Might Think

"Trump is an arrogant anti-intellectual. He clearly does not respect accuracy, due diligence, following a valid process, or even getting basic facts right. He does not appear to take the job of president seriously enough to brush up on the basics of policy."

None of the above should be new to anyone paying attention.  However, consider the following:

"What should interest American voters the most is that Trump is an arrogant conspiracy theorist. He is an antivaccine loon. Worse, as I pointed out before, he has been publicly corrected on his incorrect views about vaccines for at least a decade, and shows no evidence of modifying his views."

"I find it interesting (and disturbing) however, that many people who were opposed to Trump for all of the reasons I stated, now that he is the presumptive nominee, are starting to acquiesce. They are slithering over to Trump, perhaps out of party solidarity, out of opposition to Clinton, or perhaps just in acceptance of what they see as inevitable."

Don't let the title of the article dissuade you from reading it.

Trump and GMO Labels – Never Means Never

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