Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Athletics Are Rewarding, But There Are Risks

This post is an attempt to objectively look at a category of activity that I have joyfully participated in virtually all of my life.  Following essentially is my life story regarding such, and some advise after over 71 years of active living.

I first lived in the Fens area of Boston, MA (walking distance from that place that has that Green Monster).  My parents got me involved with the local YMCA branch, which also was within walking distance from our home.  I loved all the activities in the gymnasium, but especially loved the pool.  When our family moved to the suburbs (Lexington), I continued my activities of gymnastics and aquatics at a nearby Boy's Club and Recreation Center.

In high school, I was the fastest sprinter in the school and ran on the track team.  Since the football coach took more that a little interest in such speed, I became the team's free safety on defense and the break-away threat on offense.  Oh, and this is an important part of the story:  I was only 5'6" and weighed 130 lbs.  Ya, right, good football stats.  However, I loved the game, in spite of my parents, especially my mother, having some reservations. I suffered a few "bell-ringers" on the field (they call them "concussions" today), as well as several orthopedic injuries.

When I entered college, I also continued my activities in track and football.  Again, the latter giving me a few more bodily "dings".

As an adult, I continued a dedicated attitude to maximize my athletic activities primarily through running, weight training, golf, and doing my household "chores" with "vigor."   I trained for, and completed, a 1/2 marathon and a full marathon (finished the latter in 3 hrs and 20 min as a 40 yo).  Today, I continue to attempt to be as active as possible as a healthy 71+ yo.

However, I now reach the reason for this post.  I have multiple orthopedic problems, some of which have required surgery to attempt to attenuate the trauma that my body has absorbed over the many decades of such activity.  I have chronic pain in several areas of my body that I attribute to my physical activities.  Would I do everything the same again if I had to do it over, knowing what I know now?  No.  At least, I would not have played football under its present rules, nor, would I have trained for and completed the 1/2 or full marathons. Support for this opinion is here for the former, and here for the latter.  I also would not have practiced golf as long and as intensely on those hard rubber mats (oh, I can feel the trauma to much of my body striking the mat well behind the ball with my irons).

Please note:  this is only one person's opinion, and a scientific case study of one.  I only present it as a consideration regarding the level and type of physical activity for you and your family.

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