Sunday, August 14, 2016

Protecting Church-State Separation Is Not Hate

The FFRF, or the Freedom From Religion Foundation, is dedicated to "protecting the constitutional principle of the separation of state and church."  I recently was "unfriended" on Facebook when I challenged the person's public media assertion that the FFRF is a "Hate Group."  I challenge anyone to provide evidence that the FFRF, any of its staff or its volunteers, has ever written or spoken with hate towards any religious group.

To the contrary, Google "FFRF hate group" and notice the unsupported assertions from political and religious conservatives against the FFRF.  If one is interested in seeing TRUE hate towards a group, read this sample of the mail that the FFRF receives.


  1. It seems as if some of the Christian right have learned something valuable from some on the left: any group that works for causes of which I do not approve is a hate group. I see far too much of this on the left today, so it should not be surprising that the right has learned from it.

    1. Yep, there is too much heat and not enough light when interacting with those with whom we disagree. There may be an argument that the FFRF tackles some frivolous complaints (I do not agree with such), but to call them a "Hate" group is so over the top.



Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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