Saturday, February 3, 2018

THE Challenge For Atheism

Religion has been a part of the great majority of humanity throughout its history.  Yes, us science-based thinkers know that the claims of all religions have been falsified by science.  However, essentially, the beat goes on.  Why? In my opinion, it is the social support it fosters.  THE challenge for us atheists is to provide a valid replacement for such.  Yes, there are many atheist and humanistic groups organizing and also doing some great social work.  However, frankly, I see THAT needle barely moving in the society at large. 

Understand, I have no answers other than what I have already said on this blog: those with more influence and money than me * MUST step up or we are whistling in the dark.

* How about an anti-Rupert Murdock/Roger Ailes to found an anti-Fox News? Or an anti-Pat Robertson to found an anti-700 Club?

A Google Search for "Religion's Value is the Social Interaction"


  1. I sometimes find it helpful to remember how terrifying it can be to take that first step as a Christian who has never known anything but Christianity. In some cases, 100% of his or her social support is going to be wrapped up in Christianity. It is tough to imagine walking away from that.

  2. Yes, and that is why I am not hopeful for change until atheism is generally more accepted by society as a whole. Thus, my call for folks with influence and money to get into the major media on a regular basis. Thanks for the comment, Jack.



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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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