Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Christian Trinity Is Incoherent

Besides the fact that there is no evidence for any interventionist God, let alone the Christian variety of such, the concept of the Christian Trinity is incoherent. Countless apologists have attempted to rationalize the obvious incoherence without convincing me. (one example)

What do you think after reading the links below:

"I've often been told that the 'mystery' of Trinity is something that we have to take on faith even though human intellect cannot comprehend it. I take strong objection to this response. There *is* no mystery in the conception of trinity. There is only incoherence - and incoherence cannot be accepted even on faith. Trinity is a logically bankrupt doctrine; it is not meta-rational or non-rational (beyond the grasp of reason) but irrational, much in the same way as my username, squarecircles."

"The problem here is not the scholars, it is that after nearly 2,000 years no one understands the Trinity well enough to speak about it coherently. This brings to mind Wittgenstein’s phrase, Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."

"To me, this is just word salad (as Andy Schueler would no doubt say). Try as I might, I can’t get this to make any sense. Because it doesn’t. They want to get out of the logical paradoxes and problems other theories imply, and so they produce something which doesn’t quite make sense and which relies on mystery! Yup, the mystery card."

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