Sunday, October 6, 2019

Science Does NOT Indoctrinate Like Religion

There is a false equivalency coming from the religious in reaction to atheists stating the harms of religious indoctrination. James Hicks, in a Facebook comment, clearly and succinctly presented the difference between religious indoctrination and instruction on science-based thinking:
  • "- - - There are proper epistemic paths to cognition and value judgments that fortify reason and epistemic integration, executive functioning, self-reflection, locus of control and social planning. Religion stultifies these areas of cognitive functioning, development and concept formation by means of specific and observable psychopathologies that induce hyperactivity in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Hypothalamic Pituitary adrenal axis. This instills early hyperactivity in the child's stress response by hijacking his or her amygdala which in turn impedes frontal cortex activity and development.
          I consider religious indoctrination child abuse."

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