Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Parable Of the Pawn Shop

Religious apologists like to quote parables from that collection of historical fiction they call the Bible. *This parable is from the Chariots of Fire podcast several years ago and is a strong parallel to what religious apologists do:
  • An individual brings a necklace into a pawnshop. The individual claims it is very valuable. The pawnbroker uses his tools to closely evaluate the item and finds that the gems are not valuable and the necklace itself is only a cheap gold plating. The individual disagrees with the assessment and then reveals another necklace and again claims that it is valuable. The pawnbroker evaluates the new piece and comes to the same conclusion. This scenario is repeated several more times with the same results. The individual leaves the pawnshop upset. The individual then goes to several other pawnshops and the same activity is repeated. An objective person would conclude that the individual attempting to pawn his jewelry is either deluded or dishonest.
How is the above individual different than the Christian apologist? Apologist's arguments are adequately refuted in a debate and then the same apologist appears in another debate stating the same arguments. The repetition of bad arguments never ends. SMH

* Re-post from my old blog Ratio Primoris

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