Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Blind Spots In Apologetics

Most Christian apologists with whom I have come in contact talk about how most people on the planet believe in a God so it must be true. Ironically, their major apologetic is invalid philosophy but they do not reflect on the fact that this is an appeal to popularity or the fallacious argumentum ad populum. They reject the more reasonable counter-apologetic that God-belief and all superstition is an evolutionary side-effect/adaptation, purely natural and one of the common flaws in our thinking.

Ironically, they don't use this fallacy when confronting scientific consensus on a topic that falsifies their beliefs.

The video below does a good job in presenting the truth that we, as individuals, don't know as much as we think, and most of our knowledge comes to us through the human community of experts:

Why do we believe things that aren't true?

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