Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lo-Bak TRAX: Another Chiropractic False "Treatment"

Preface: The following is an expose of one of the many false "treatments" perpetuated by Chiropractic. If you are wondering what makes me qualified to pass such judgment, I submit the following: 40+ years of experience as a physical therapist/rehabilitation director specializing in orthopedics, with a sub-specialty addressing spine problems.
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Click here for the Main website. Click on the video and watch carefully: the device is only anteriorly pelvic tilting without any significant spinal traction. In fact, it actually compresses the facet joints and posterior discs of the spine!!

Click here for deceptive information concerning "FDA Cleared": this level does not indicate effectiveness at all!! It's only "not life-threatening." For a device to be "FDA Approved", it has to be shown through extensive studies that it is also effective for the medical problem(s) addressed.

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