Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Most Heinous Sin?

The Catholic Church considers abortion as the WORST sin one can commit (link). Consistent with this dogma are the apologists on Catholic Answers Live. Here is an example (see approx the 50-minute point forward in the video), and below was my response:  

  • "So, abortion is the WORST sin? I guess God is the biggest sinner then?,This%20statistic%20is%20sobering. Can you see the difference between a fertilized egg, or even an implanted pregnancy, and a human person with the attributes that most people accept as indicative of personhood? How about a violation of a pregnant women's bodily autonomy as being a sin worse than abortion? Instead of focusing on this issue, how about focusing on your dogma of an aborted or miscarried fetus going to God forever because of never committing an actual mortal sin? Think of all the souls with God that may end up in Hell if they achieve the "age of reason" and commit a mortal sin. Please be consistent with your dogma."
Ponder the irony here: these same conservative Catholics will vote for Trump based on this issue. Religion is a brain poison. In contrast to this dogmatic delusion, here is a reasonable "Pro-Lifer" expressing her opinion on how she now votes (link).

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