Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Multiverse: The Evidence Grows

"The team's model starts the Universe as a multitude of universes. Each universe in this multiverse has a different mass for the Higgs boson – some quite heavy, and some very light.

"Then, the physicists calculated how these universes would evolve over time. They found that universes with heavier Higgs bosons became unstable and collapsed very quickly in a 'big crunch', in a fraction of a second.

"The universes with lighter Higgs bosons survived. Under this scenario, our Universe emerged as perhaps the sole survivor of the catastrophic multiverse crunching, with a very light Higgs boson."

Click on the link below for another hypothesis for the multiverse. Yes, it is not falsifiable at this point, thus, it is not yet accepted science. However, the results of recent experiments point positively to such. Compare this to what theists propose: an unevidenced supernatural being behind it all.

Mind-Bending New Multiverse Scenario Could Explain a Strange Higgs Boson Feature

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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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