Monday, June 17, 2024

The History Of Christianity In The USA

“This is a map showing the percentage of adults who are highly religious per State. Looking at it, you'll notice this southern region over here is much more distinct than the rest. In fact, it's so distinct it even has its own name: the Bible Belt. Protestant Christianity plays a strong role in society here and church attendance across the denominations is much higher than the nation's average. But why is that? Why is this part of America so much more religious than the rest? I mean New England was literally founded by Puritans who thought Europe was too Godless and is now the most atheistic region in the union. So what's happened? Well, to understand this religious flip-flop and the intensity of it in the South, we need to go all the way back to the beginning, and I mean back to the literal founding of the 13 colonies themselves, with the first one being Jamestown Virginia in 1607.”

Click on this link for an in-depth history lesson that explains much of the tensions in the USA.

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