Sunday, July 14, 2024

Logic Is Not Magic

"There are some apologists who want us to believe that logic is magic. What is a materialist atheist? It's someone who believes that everything in the universe is made of matter molecules and nothing outside of that can exist. See, this is why I prefer the term physicalist rather than materialist. I don't think even most people who call themselves materialists believe that energy and space-time don't exist. I don't believe that any anything non-physical exists, but there are plenty of things that are immaterial that are still physical. That means a Transcendent God cannot exist because God is a spirit but if that's the case how can we explain immaterial realities like laws of logic? 

"The laws of logic describe the boundaries of what our physical brains can do. They describe physical phenomena. I believe in the law of non-contradiction, for example, because if I try to imagine something both existing and not existing at the same time and in the same respect I find that I can't. that's a limitation of my physical brain. There's nothing non-physical about it."

Click on the link below for a video attempting to correct a religious apologist regarding logic:

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