Showing posts with label Agnosticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agnosticism. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Use Your Words Properly

A Theist BELIEVES that there's a god (full stop)
An Atheist BELIEVES that there’s no god (full stop);
A Gnostic KNOWS OF, AND ACCEPTS, a claim presented (full stop)
An Agnostic HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF, AND REJECTS, a claim presented (full stop).

The word “Agnostic” has to be specific to a claim. One can’t just say that they are agnostic PERIOD. Thus, I am an atheist and an agnostic TO THE SPECIFIC CLAIM THAT THERE IS A GOD. I am agnostic about many claims, and a gnostic about many claims.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Word Labels, Atheism, And Evidence

In any discussion, it is important to define terms. This is certainly clear when the topics include atheism and evidence. Click on the link below for a good example of how to be clear in such situations:

My "Evidence" Is Just As Good As Yours

Monday, January 13, 2020

If A Word Describes Your Position On A Topic Use It

Why are some scientists reluctant to use descriptive words to present their opinions on some topics? Leonard Susskind is a noted physicist who does an excellent job in this 8-minute video of countering religious dogma. He clearly is an atheist and an agnostic but will not declare himself as such (see beginning at about the 6:30 point in the video).

Why do I think this issue is important? Language is how humans communicate with each other and every word has a meaning. Atheism and Agnosticism are words that can stir up negative emotions and, thus, some influential people who know better fail to use them. Until this changes, it is my opinion that the route to acceptance of science-based thinking will be significantly impeded.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The stark difference between magical/faith-based thinkers and science-based thinkers:

Magical/faith-based thinkers:

"I am certain that the answer to all of the mysteries of the universe is God did it."

Science-based thinkers:

"We don't know enough about those questions to even ask them, let alone answer them."

The essence of agnosticism

(it is about knowledge, theism or atheism are about belief. These are different categories)


Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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