Showing posts with label American History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American History. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Questions About Slavery Answered

"Why were most slaves in America from West Africa? Slavery has existed throughout history in various forms across the globe, but who became enslaved was almost always based on military conquest. So why did Europeans travel thousands of miles to enslave people from a particular geographic region?"

Click on the link below for the rest of the story:

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The History Of Slavery

"There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the institution of slavery, especially here in the United States. These myths often serve pernicious political purposes that can be highly detrimental to a proper conception of history. So here are 10 of those myths debunked in no particular order." 

Click on the link below for a fact-based presentation of the issue. Please note the racism this video stirred up to the point of the need to disable comments, SMH:

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Examples Of Conservative Blindness

"It is better to be silent and to be thought a fool,
than to speak out and remove all doubt."
(multiple attributions)

Conservatives have disqualified themselves from the rest of us needing to take them seriously. The following videos are emblematic of their erroneous thinking processes:

Rick Santorum

Ben Shapiro

Dave Rubin

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Cruel History Of The USA National Parks

 "Treuer, who wrote the book The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America From 1890 to the Present, says that Native Americans are too often precluded from using the land in culturally significant ways that go back millennia. In his essay for The Atlantic, he makes the case that the U.S. should return control of national parks to its Native people."

Click on the link below for a podcast delving into the racism and politics of our national parks.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Immigration's History In The USA

"Once you begin to notice examples of how the past is still present, they become difficult to ignore. Trump enacted the most stringent border closure of his administration by citing the threat of disease, even though COVID‑19 outbreaks were far worse inside the United States than just outside its borders (in fact, Americans were actively deporting the virus abroad). His persistent blaming of the Chinese for outbreaks in the U.S. helped incite violence against Asian Americans that continues today, mirroring similar attacks from centuries past.

"In moving toward the more inclusive system that some elected officials now say they want, the country would be not returning to traditional American values, but establishing new ones." 

Click on the link below for a humbling expose of the hypocritical history of immigration in the USA.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

US Historical Fact Vs Fiction

"Today we take a look at the competing histories fighting for dominance in the minds of Americans; the mythologized and romanticized history as represented by the "patriotic" framing of history from the 1776 Commission report and the much more fact-based approach that doesn't skirt the issue of race from the 1619 Project."

The meme "History is written by the victors" has some truth behind it. However, as societies become more enlightened and science-based, valid minority opinions can and do emerge. In the US presently, this is represented by the 1619 Project. However, like most positive social movements, there is a backlash by the "mainstream" faction in the form of the 1776 Commission. Click on the link below for a podcast delving into this dynamic.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Christianity Has No Moral Authority

Modern society generally is in agreement that owning another person (slavery) is immoral. How did humanity finally come to this consensus? Was it through the authority of the major religions of the world? What about Christianity? Click on the link below for an hour-long video exposing the immorality of Christianity regarding this topic, and how slavery was ended by humanistic thinking rebels from religious authority. 

I wonder how much human history would have changed if one of the 10 Commandments stated, "Thou shall not own another human." Of course, there are many other immoral aspects of Christianity, but that is for other posts.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The History Of US Oligarchy

 "Thom Hartmann, progressive radio host joins David to discuss his new book 'The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class.' Get the book:"

An oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. Click on the link below for a 17-minute video history lesson of a major societal problem that we are dealing with today in spades.

Also: don't overlook social media within this topic (link), and how the Republicans need bigots to hold power (link).

Monday, January 11, 2021

A Look At "Reconstruction"

"Today we take a look at the often-overlooked decade of Reconstruction in the wake of the Civil War. After hundreds of years of slavery, Reconstruction was a brief moment of relative democracy and equality before the white power structure reasserted itself and instated the policies that would be known as "Jim Crow Laws" which would last another 80 years."

Click on the link below for an enlightening podcast regarding why we still have a racial divide in the USA.

Monday, November 30, 2020

A History Of Political Change Within The USA

"In this episode of Stay Tuned, 'Revisiting Patterns of Change,' Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson joins Preet to discuss the evolution of the Republican Party, the danger of false political imagery, and the lasting legacy of American racism."

Heather Cox Richardson is a noted historian whose writings are usually in-depth and important. This podcast is a good example of her work. (link below)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Why The Electoral College Is Bogus

"Who thought the Electoral College was a good idea? In two of the last five presidential elections, the candidate who lost the popular vote still managed to win the White House. So why are we still electing the most powerful position this way and what are the alternatives? Jesse Wegman, author of the new book “Let the People Pick the President”, gives amazing insight into the slapdash construction of the Electoral College. Hear him make the case that the institution we ended up with is divisive and undemocratic and ought to be done away with once and for all.

Click on the link below for an enlightening podcast on the subject:

Monday, March 2, 2020

White Christianity: Its History, Sociology, And Demise

"America is no longer a majority white Christian nation. Journalist, author, commentator, and Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne and Dr. Robert P. Jones, author of "The End of White Christian America," discuss this seismic change, its impact on the politics and social values of the United States, and its implications for the future."

An excellent video on the phenomenon in the USA.

The End of White Christianity

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The True "Origin" of America

If you were like me growing up, you were only exposed to the colonist's point of view regarding the founding and expansion of America. This podcast presents "the rest of the story."

Native (Mis) Representation

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A History Lesson

Trump forcefully caps off years of deterioration in European-American ties:

"Today, Europe and America face common perils and common problems — including the rise of ravenous strongmen who want to remake the world order. We’ve lost the bonds that might enable us to fight them together. Worse, the wolves are not only in the henhouse; they are in the Executive Mansion.

"Beware what happens when you walk away from your lineage."

Saturday, May 26, 2018

A "CliffsNotes" Version Of The US Bill Of Rights

There are 10 "first amendments" to the US Constitution and all were radified by Congress together and labeled the "Bill of Rights." The FACT that addressing the role of religion in our country was the first SENTENCE in such should cause a pause in the religious fundies. But, you and I know where that goes. Oh, they conveniently overlook the FACT that the question of "establishment of _ religion" vs "establishment of A religion" was, and still is, hotly debated and, yet, we have what we have.

The Establishment Clause 

Bill of Rights 


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pre-Clovis America

"For more than a decade, evidence has been piling up that humans colonized the Americas thousands of years before the Clovis people. The Clovis, who are the early ancestors of today's Native Americans, left abundant evidence of their lives behind in the form of tools and graves. But the mysterious pre-Clovis humans, who likely arrived 17,000 to 15,000 years ago, have left only a few dozen sources of evidence for their existence across the Americas, mostly at campsites where they processed animals during hunting trips. Now a fresh examination of one such campsite, a 14,000-year-old hunter's rest stop outside the city of Tres Arroyos in Argentina, has given us a new understanding of how the pre-Clovis people might have lived."

14,000-year-old campsite in Argentina adds to an archaeological mystery

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The History Of The First Americans Becoming Clearer

"A land bridge between Siberia and Alaska that now lies underwater holds vital clues to the story of the Americas’ first inhabitants. A new project bringing together archaeology, genetics, and molecular biology may rewrite the history books."

Searching for the Origins of the First Americans

Monday, July 4, 2016

An Objective Look At The History Of The USA's "Greatness"

Donald Trump's campaign slogan is "Making America Great Again."  On this day of celebration of the Independence of the USA, I think it is important to actually look at the truth of the history of the USA.


Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image