Showing posts with label John Oliver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Oliver. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2024

Medical Regulation: Just Another "Protect Your Own" Establishment?

"John Oliver discusses state medical boards, how they often fail to protect patients from bad doctors, and what it all has to do with Melrose Place."

Click on the link below for the sad reality of failure to rid medicine of harmful practitioners: 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

The "Gilded Age" Is Alive And Well

"John Oliver discusses freight trains and railroads, how they’ve put profits over safety, and, crucially, what shows he watched as a child that explain…everything. "

Click on the link below for a clear example of corporate behavior that should have ended at the end of the Gilded Age. We need another Mark Twain, or another Charles Dickens, to enlighten voters and to push politicians toward a truly REGULATED capitalism:

Monday, December 11, 2023

Organ & Body Donations: A Scandal

"John Oliver discusses the systems in place for donating our organs and bodies, why those donations don’t always go where we might think they’re going, - - - "

Click on the link below for details:

Organ & Body Donations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Dollar Stores: A Horror Show

"92% of Dollar General's staff was making less than $15 an hour. That is a higher percentage than every other company they surveyed. On top of that, lawsuits and press reports have repeatedly documented Dollar General severely restricting the total hours it allocates in a week to non-managers and then expecting store managers, who are salaried, to cover the rest without overtime and without enough people to do everything from running the register to receiving truck deliveries to stocking the shelves to keeping prices updated and cleaning the bathrooms. Things can quickly fall apart."

Click on the link below for another John Oliver expose, this time of a category of stores that is necessary for the poorer neighborhoods but don't come close to doing the job right:

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

One Of The Worst Companies You Probably Never Heard Of

Click on the link below for the latest episode of John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight", which addresses the evil of the oldest and largest management consulting firm: McKinsey & Company:

McKinsey: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Monday, October 10, 2022

Local News And Police Departments

"John Oliver discusses the outlets that cover crime, the incentives that drive them, the flawed sources they rely upon, and an alternative name for Miss Piggy."

If you watch local news, you know what the focus is: crime. The problem is that you are not getting the full picture of such. Click on the link below for a video produced by John Oliver, a master of science-based investigative reporting with a comic twist:

Crime Reporting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Monday, July 2, 2018

An Objective Look At Gene Editing

John Oliver is not only one of the most creative comedians around, he frequently presents significant and useful information.  This episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver regarding Gene Editing is a good example.

Gene Editing

Monday, August 22, 2016

John Oliver On Charter Schools

A serious question:  why is a comedian the most prominent voice for exposing this?

So you think Charter Schools are the answer to the problems with public schools?

A related article:  evidence shows clearly that public funds diverted to private entities is not going to improve education overall.

What the U.S. can learn from Canada on education

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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