This question does have an answer if one is open-minded and is fact-based in thinking. Below are representative opinions. I have mine:
Why neoclassical economics has failed
Human knowledge has progressed exponentially since the dawn of modern science. It is no longer reasonable to accept claims without sufficient objective evidence. The harm from religion, alternatives to medicine, conservatism, and all other false beliefs will be exposed on this blog by reporting the findings of science. This blog will also reinforce what should be the basics of education: History, Civics, Financial Literacy, Media Literacy, and Critical/Science Based Thinking.
This question does have an answer if one is open-minded and is fact-based in thinking. Below are representative opinions. I have mine:
Why neoclassical economics has failed
Many economists will admit that economics is the "Dismal Science." Why? Because there are unaccounted-for variables. That said, the Multiplier Effect is science, thus real. In other words, when you spend money on ANYTHING, that goes through the economy and becomes worth more than the original amount of money many times over, to the benefit of all. The Democrats/Progressives recognize this reality, but the conservatives/Republicans/MAGA don't. That is why it is wrong for wealth to pool at the top of society unspent when EVERYONE benefits more when the middle and lower classes get more money because they SPEND more of their wealth.
Liberal Patriotism Is About More Than Flag-Waving
How to Beat Trump in a World of Unreason
Throughout US history there has been a tension between Progressivism and Conservatism. After its independence from England, there were several political parties but the main disagreements were around preserving the status quo versus change. The following reveals why progressivism wins:
The Civil War was fought over preserving slavery versus the abolition of such: conservatism lost and progressivism won.
Conservatives resisted entering both World Wars: it lengthened the wars and increased its harmful effects. Rachel Maddow has brilliantly exposed this situation in a series of podcasts.
It was clearly the progressive ideas and policies of FDR that ended the Great Depression and allowed the democratic allies to win the Second World War.
The period after the Second World War through the 1960s is widely regarded as the best period in US history (link)(link)(link) due to its application of progressive policies and the willingness of the two major political parties to work together to implement them.
Ever since there has been a gradual erosion of US society BECAUSE of the creeping influence of conservatism through the gradual radicalization of the Republican Party beginning with Nixon. The result is what we have today in the person of Donald Trump. This link puts it in a global perspective.
Republicans persist in defending their view of the US Constitution by claiming that THEY hold to the "Original Intent" of such. Click on the link below for a rebuttal to this view:
Let's talk about original intent and the Constitution
Republicans and Democrats disagree regarding the intent of the Amendments to the US Constitution. Click on the link below for the progressive view of them:
You and I know the pressure on the Democrats to be more "moderate" in order to attract voters who are not progressive/liberal. The fact is that progressive ideas if presented with evidence and clarity, and with empathy for the values of conservatives and independents, are accepted by the majority of folks in the USA at large. Click on the links below for support for this claim:
How Progressives Can Recapture Seven Deeply Held American Values