Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Is Deism Reasonable?

As many of you know, I was a Devout Catholic most of my adult life.  I eventually concluded that there is no evidence for an interventionist god, thus, now I consider myself an atheist.  Please note, us atheists do not claim that there is no god.  We only don't accept the claims that there is an interventionist god because there is no evidence for such.  Period.

Given the above, what do atheists think about the obvious intelligent life all around us, within humans and other higher animals?  Was there an intelligent God who started it all?  Who knows?  If one is a science-based thinker, the discussion is over, let the mystery be.  If one accepts the claim that there was a god who started it all then has not intervened in our affairs, then one is not a *science-based thinker. Thus, Deism, while not as much of a threat to society as theism, still supports belief without evidence.  Please think hard about this.  Thanks.

* If you accept any claim without evidence, you are not a science-based thinker.  Thus, if you are either a theist OR a deist, why are you not a science-based thinker?  I know why I am such.


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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