Monday, October 30, 2023

Deism And Pantheism Are Not "Get Out Of Jail Free" Cards

"Let’s shatter some illusions. For years, I've been the executioner of traditional gods, using the guillotine of logic and the noose of empiricism to make quick work of these divine phantasms. But today, we're breaking into the high-security vaults of "rational theism"—Deism and Pantheism—often heralded as unassailable by even the most erudite skeptics. Not even Einstein or Spinoza are safe from the crucifying lens of critical thinking. What we're about to expose could topple the very pillars of your intellectual sanctuary." 

Click on the link below for an article that destroys these two ideas that many use to avoid labeling themselves atheists:

The Death of Reasonable Gods: Einstein and Spinoza's Failure
How Pantheism and Deism Fail, The Gods of Last Resort


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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