Monday, November 11, 2019

Argument From Design Debunked

"The Design Argument may sound good at first, but a close look shows that it suffers from special thinking in many ways. First, there is no reason to infer any particular god from a complex world or even one god instead of a committee.
"Second, complexity does not imply design. There are thousands of complex, functional things that are not designed.1
"Third, the Design Argument is another argument from ignorance. Even a Christian does not accept any other kind of argument from ignorance: “We don’t understand how salamanders can grow back their tails, therefore Quezelcoatl does it.” Ignorance is no argument. It is a complete lack of argument.
"Fourth, supernatural explanations have always been replaced by natural ones. So it’s very unlikely that natural phenomena will be found to have supernatural causes."

A challenge: if you think that the reality around you is designed by an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God, take a deep breath and ponder the horror, pain, and suffering throughout our experience caused by nature and people, and tell me what a random reality would look like.

Click on the links below:

Can We Prove There Is a Designer?

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***If you disagree with this article, how do you justify or verify that your beliefs are true? What is your view regarding the value of evidence?***
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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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